Thursday, December 27, 2012
Go, Study.........
You can study and study and study, but it is all for naught if the
information gathered doesn’t transfer into practical applications in your life.
Head knowledge becomes heart action through the diligent effort to fulfill the
great commandments and mission we’ve received. First, love God. Take Him into
your life, mind, and heart and display His love by loving Him back with all
your being. Secondly, love people. We are all His creation and are in dire need
of His love, mercy, and grace. Give it to those around you in the same measure
as was given to you. Finally, serve the world. Be God’s hands and feet in your
environment. Show through actions, both small and large, that you care and will
do for widows and orphans, for the well-to-do, for any of your fellow travelers
on this planet as God wills it. God is best known by the efforts of and
representation by His children. So go, study love, and spread it far and wide.
Go, study compassion, and make it a goal to show it to all those with whom you
come in contact, even if you think they don’t deserve it. Go, study peace, and
work to bring it about not just in this season, but year ‘round.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
The following is a response to some of the emails I receive. In this weary, weary world we need more light, we need more love, and we need more people to follow the example of the One they say they follow......
Lord, I pray that my words be of healing not hurting, my actions be of building not destroying, and that my attitude be of accepting not condemning. There are already too many negative people in this world, those ready to point out any small, insignificant faults of others. There are already too many bent on dimming any light and sucking the joy out of any situation. Lord, I ask that you enable me to be loving and supportive, peaceful and soothing, open and ready to show the mercy to others that You have shown me, and to extend the grace I have received from you. Amen.
Lord, I pray that my words be of healing not hurting, my actions be of building not destroying, and that my attitude be of accepting not condemning. There are already too many negative people in this world, those ready to point out any small, insignificant faults of others. There are already too many bent on dimming any light and sucking the joy out of any situation. Lord, I ask that you enable me to be loving and supportive, peaceful and soothing, open and ready to show the mercy to others that You have shown me, and to extend the grace I have received from you. Amen.
Friday, December 14, 2012
All too many of us have attended church for so long that we've developed a sort of me-ligion. By that I mean we've listened, studied, weighed, adopted, and rejected a variety of beliefs that seem the most convenient and conducive to want we want to live by, sort of like children skipping through a grocery store. picking out what is pleasant and to our taste, and ignoring things we haven't tried yet, but are nutritious and beneficial. We feed on the same things repeatedly that act as comfort food for the soul, but stymy our desire to growth in strength instead of girth. A long, hard look must be taken at what is ingested, and evaluation must take place as to each one's worth to our spiritual health. Even though some good things come from them still, their effects may be reduced as we become comfortable, accustomed, and then complacent. The ideal would be to find the three or four basic Truths (as there are food groups), then build and expand on those, partaking of a wider variety from within them, in order to develop a deeper, fuller understanding of and relationship with our Creator and our Savior. This will take effort, at times may be painful, but, as fruit trees are prepared to bear a greater harvest, pruning is for the good of those subjected to it. Pray for guidance. Search for clarity of vision. Commit to growth.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Life is Messy..........
Life is messy, and I realize that some people have messier lives, and that we all have plenty to deal with, but somehow I feel I've allowed myself to be swept under a wave of circumstances, not because of anything I've done, but maybe due to my inactivity or reluctance to act. But, if life has become messy and has brought about some sort of low grade depression, it is probably from an accumulation of comings and goings, staying, missing loved ones, too much stuff crammed into too little time, and just a general feeling of being out of control. But, I find comfort in the words of Mike Slaughter, in his book, Christmas is Not Your Birthday. "Life gets messy, but in the midst of your mess, God shows up! No matter what you are struggling to overcome, no matter what life issues have come your way, God promises to show up.Christmas is God's vivid reminder that amid the uncertainty, God shows up to bring you peace, purpose, joy, hope, and wholeness." I don't know about you, but I look forward to His appearing.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Who Me?
We were asked yesterday who sits upon the throne of your heart? Who is front and center in your existence? What is comes down to is just how selfish you are. If you are constantly looking out for number one, that leaves very little room, if any, in your heart and life for others. Any service you may render becomes self-serving and stunted. God may use it for good, but think how much more effective and totally beneficial this service could be if you gave little or no thought to personal gain. We are called to pour ourselves out as living sacrifice, and if we don't pay attention to what we can get or grab for all we can get, we will be pleasantly surprised by how blessed we are and how really unimportant those things we originally desired have become. God provides if we are obedient to Him. What we receive may not be what we want, but it will be what we need in abundance.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
A Choice of Words
Do you find yourself watching what you say according to the environment in which you find yourself? Do you switch masks as often as you move from one situation to another? What brings about these changes, and how tiring can this sort of thing become due to the amount of energy expended to do so?
We censor ourselves for the sake of unity, and to reduce tension and stress in our lives. But if that becomes our motivation, then are we not denying who we are as God made us? We are taught to be open, true, and honest, yet also told not to be stumbling blocks to others in their quest for the truth. Although these seem contradictory, if examined, they are not mutually exclusive. If we temper our honesty with love, then the words may be recognized as sage advice instead of the arrows they seem to appear being.
So as to the matter of self-censoring, let it instead be seen as editing, in search of the phrasing that will make the words more palatable, and therefore increasing the chances of acceptance, while decreasing the possibility of rejection and overreaction.
We must remember a made up mind is very hard to change, and coming across as attacking will only serve to fortify and thicken the walls of defense, throwing others into hunker down mode, possibly eliminating any chance of being reasoned with or reached. Yes, choose your words wisely, not in an effort to water down or compromise what you intend, but so as to make it less threatening.
Speak the truth, but do it kindly and with compassion.
We censor ourselves for the sake of unity, and to reduce tension and stress in our lives. But if that becomes our motivation, then are we not denying who we are as God made us? We are taught to be open, true, and honest, yet also told not to be stumbling blocks to others in their quest for the truth. Although these seem contradictory, if examined, they are not mutually exclusive. If we temper our honesty with love, then the words may be recognized as sage advice instead of the arrows they seem to appear being.
So as to the matter of self-censoring, let it instead be seen as editing, in search of the phrasing that will make the words more palatable, and therefore increasing the chances of acceptance, while decreasing the possibility of rejection and overreaction.
We must remember a made up mind is very hard to change, and coming across as attacking will only serve to fortify and thicken the walls of defense, throwing others into hunker down mode, possibly eliminating any chance of being reasoned with or reached. Yes, choose your words wisely, not in an effort to water down or compromise what you intend, but so as to make it less threatening.
Speak the truth, but do it kindly and with compassion.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Turning the page on the birthday calendar is not such a momentous occasion. Looking back over "58", I can see good things, and yet many more things that need work. More than a number, "59" opens its wings for flights of fancy, treks of tenacity, and field trips of faith. We get too bogged down with numbers, so much so, that we use them as excuses for not beginning new endeavors, or as reasons why our behaviors and attitudes should change. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak, or so they say. Then find strength in that weakness to do something new. Concentrate on your abilities more than dwelling on your limitations. Be more loving, forgiving, serving, listening, merciful and kind. Strive for peace, and let the small stuff roll off. Love God. Love others. Serve the world.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Thank You, Micah........... (A Rant)
We sit and blame everyone else, when all the time the source of our problems is us. We become so full of ourselves, and we romanticize past eras in such a way that we become blind to our own sinfulness and conceit. We try to place ourselves on equal footing with God, we try to elevate our standing by tearing down others, and we use pat answers, catch phrases and verses out of context in place of well researched and thought out ideas. We refuse to think for ourselves because we might not like the answers that come, so we follow words that tickle our ears and we become like lambs to the slaughter. We accept what sounds feasible instead of questioning its validity and how it stands up when checked scripturally (using full passages, and not just a phrase here or there, I might add). It is time to open our eyes and minds to the truth Jesus taught, that we must love one another, no matter who we are or what we think. With every adverse comment and action, we throw up barrier after barrier which block access to Jesus. We have to stop bludgeoning people with our perspective and interpretation of the truth.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Taking Care by Letting Go
If we are to spread the Gospel message to the world, and if we serve the same Lord and Savior, and if we believe in the same God and His redeeming mercy and grace, then why are we so suspicious of each other? Why are we so hesitant to ignore denominational lines and cooperate in this Great Co-mission we have been given? Why must we feel we need to protect our numbers and make sure differing thoughts and ideas are kept away? Are we not to teach others to think for themselves? Isn't that the pathway to maturity in our lives, both spiritually and secularly? We worry too much about exposure to the wrong that our people are not presented with the full light of the right. Sheltering people, like planting in the shade, doesn't allow full growth, growth strengthened through testing and discernment. As with our children, we cannot totally suppress their curiosity and their natural need to learn from experience. Let them hear opposing voices, and, if we've planted properly, they will produce the desired fruit. There are nutrients out there we don't know about or fully understand.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
A World of Difference
"I'm gonna dig a deep, deep hole
and bury my past."
That came to me yesterday during my run/ walk and seemed to be some kind of culmination of Sunday's sermon, our men's class lesson from Sunday, and things I've been thinking about lately (baby of the family stuff, as in "I don't have to be Ronny anymore.")
But the more I thought about it, the less sure I became that I really feel those words. It brought up some questions, especially during my motorcycle mini-road trip today. Is burying your past the same thing as denying it? And if you deny it, aren't you saying it doesn't matter? And if it doesn't matter, then how can you claim to be a product of past expriences, thus wiping the slate of you clean?
I doubt we can erase our past anymore than we can change who we basically are. What can change is how we deal with the past, acknowledging its effects and affects, but not allowing it to control our lives. You have to know where you came from to have any idea of where you are going, or if you are making headway.
It's been said that insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. So there is some credence to be given to keeping your past, if only to prevent yourself from making the same mistakes. Even Jesus understood this. When He forgives sinners, He instructs them to go and sin no more. Isn't it understood that they need to remember what it is they've done so they can avoid repeating it?
There's a world of difference between living with your past and living in it.
and bury my past."
That came to me yesterday during my run/ walk and seemed to be some kind of culmination of Sunday's sermon, our men's class lesson from Sunday, and things I've been thinking about lately (baby of the family stuff, as in "I don't have to be Ronny anymore.")
But the more I thought about it, the less sure I became that I really feel those words. It brought up some questions, especially during my motorcycle mini-road trip today. Is burying your past the same thing as denying it? And if you deny it, aren't you saying it doesn't matter? And if it doesn't matter, then how can you claim to be a product of past expriences, thus wiping the slate of you clean?
I doubt we can erase our past anymore than we can change who we basically are. What can change is how we deal with the past, acknowledging its effects and affects, but not allowing it to control our lives. You have to know where you came from to have any idea of where you are going, or if you are making headway.
It's been said that insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. So there is some credence to be given to keeping your past, if only to prevent yourself from making the same mistakes. Even Jesus understood this. When He forgives sinners, He instructs them to go and sin no more. Isn't it understood that they need to remember what it is they've done so they can avoid repeating it?
There's a world of difference between living with your past and living in it.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Cabin Fever
Here's something to consider. Can the heat and dryness of this summer be seen as oppressive as the cabin fever we experience in January and February? It seems to have the same effect, causing us to stay indoors to escape it, while giving us a sort of stir-craziness because we can't go out due to UV factors and the heat and humidity that beats down on us. I am not complaining, mind you, but I am proposing that different weather patterns can have a variety of effects on us.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Honestly, Man...........
"You put so much pressure on yourself." Pat has said that to me in times of stress, especially when driving and directions aren't accurate or change due to detours. I guess I like the feeling of comfort and security that comes from knowing what's ahead and how I can get there using the least amount of thinking and adaptation, but when things come up, that level of control disappears. I can see, looking back, where this has happened in other areas of life. Is it that I feel others are counting on me knowing what's going on, or does it come from my tendency to act before thinking, or seeing everything in black and white, all-or-nothing? I know I over react at times, but not as often as I used to (there's some justification for you). Well, that and a buck will get you coffee. I need to earnestly give all that to God, and allow the chips to fall where they may. Life is too short to fret over everything, so let's choose our battles carefully, sticking with the ones we can do something about.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
I Can Do Anything.....
I can do anything for an hour......a day..... a week..... a month.......... When was the last time you used that phrase, or something like it? I started when we first started going on mission trips to South Carolina, and I've pretty much adopted it as a rule in life. No matter what we may have to experience, an end will eventually come, and we may find ourselves stronger, or better, or whatever, but definitely changed in some way. Challenges cause us to do one of two things. Either we shrink back, hiding from them, or we face them, coming to realize they weren't as big and insurmountable as we once thought.
If we try to avoid these things, then we stand the chance of becoming afraid of any new thing that comes our way, and, in our fear, we may even lash out, trying to protect ourselves. But, if we reach out and attempt to understand what is coming, we very well could find ourselves advancing two or three steps in a positive direction, instead of stagnating where we are.
Face life like this, starting today. Start with an hour, and work your way up. You's be amazed how well you will do when adversity is perceived as a learning opportunity.
If we try to avoid these things, then we stand the chance of becoming afraid of any new thing that comes our way, and, in our fear, we may even lash out, trying to protect ourselves. But, if we reach out and attempt to understand what is coming, we very well could find ourselves advancing two or three steps in a positive direction, instead of stagnating where we are.
Face life like this, starting today. Start with an hour, and work your way up. You's be amazed how well you will do when adversity is perceived as a learning opportunity.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
There and Back Again
How many times have we gone on trips as a way of running away from our daily lives? We think something new and different will change our perspective, giving us a fresh view, and a new appreciation for the everyday things that fill our time. We seek cathedrals, or amusements, or just a place to sit and rest and read. All come and go, and we find ourselves missing what we left behind, thankful for the experiences we've gathered while away, but grateful to return to our lives, refreshed and renewed. Memories are grand, and places visited and people seen become part of who we are, enriching our lives and enhancing them with a new understanding. So, go, do, see, feel, run, walk, visit, learn, and then come back hopefully a better person for what you have gained.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Once in a Lifetime.......
There was a black spot on the sun yesterday - once in a lifetime. Man walked on the moon - once in a lifetime. America was discovered - once in a lifetime. The human genome was mapped - once in a lifetime. The Queen celebrated her diamond jubilee - once in a life time. These are all significant events to many, many people, but to view them as life-changing for anyone more than those intimately involved is stretching the point. We are live lives consisting of once-in-a-lifetime moments. Every breath, every thought, every attitude, every action has bearing on the rest of our existence here, so all moments hold the potential to be monumental. All we need do is live them as such. Our perspective should change from, "Man, I gotta get through another day" to "Man, I get to live through another day!" If we look at what we've been blessed with, then we can appreciate what comes our way, no matter if it what we want or not. Everything that you get, and everything that happens to you helps to make you who you are. God is building us one brick at a time, so we really have to be patient and wait to see what the outcome of our latest adventures will be. We live one moment at a time. We learn, hopefully, one moment at a time. Therefore, look forward to each second your alive, anticipate what might be, and don't be surprised by the serendipitous nature of life. Rejoice in the unexpected, and embrace the diversity of your experiences.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Rain as a Way of Thinking
Rainy days have to come, it's just a fact of nature. If it weren't for them, how could we fully appreciate the sunny ones? And, really, think about it. What's as refreshing as a gentle, steady, warm summer rain, especially when you can go out into it, getting drenched to the bone, and feeling the cleansing power of the Creator in every drop that falls?
Rainy days help keep things green, replenish ground water, remind us of times in our lives when other rains have fallen. When we have found ourselves in the dry times of trouble and doubt, it has been the rain of Truth that alleviates them, quenching the questions, and pouring down a soothing understanding.
Rain envelops the world in a cocoon of potential, covering and causing the metamorphic, as it serves to prepare us and the world for the Light that follows. Rain has form but has no shape, iridescence but has no color, life-giving qualities while not being alive. It is truly one of God's greatest wonders.
Rainy days help keep things green, replenish ground water, remind us of times in our lives when other rains have fallen. When we have found ourselves in the dry times of trouble and doubt, it has been the rain of Truth that alleviates them, quenching the questions, and pouring down a soothing understanding.
Rain envelops the world in a cocoon of potential, covering and causing the metamorphic, as it serves to prepare us and the world for the Light that follows. Rain has form but has no shape, iridescence but has no color, life-giving qualities while not being alive. It is truly one of God's greatest wonders.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Little Victories
"When was the last time you did something for the first time?" I used to have a shirt that had that printed on the back. Isn't that a great question? I guess it's to motivate us to leave our comfort zones and try new stuff in life. Could be anything, from some kind of food, to listening to new music, to some new challenge physically. I've recently started doing 5K races, and, while I realize it's not that great a distance for a lot of people, and that I'll never be in the top finishers, it's something I've never really aspired to do until now. But, heck, why not?: Am I But, I finish. (Not bad for a pudgy 58 year old.) Even took some time off my record, so I guess I'll keep at it. At Monday's race I saw a shirt that had the following legend on it: "A Dead last finish is better that not finishing, which is better than not starting at all." Kind of can be applied to life in general. If you start something, you should try your hardest to finish, even if it doesn't turn out the way you wanted. Sometimes, the joy is in the chase, the happiness in the process. So, get out there, and see what the world has to offer. Start small and slow, and who know where you could end up? My next 5K is July, and I'm in training. Want to shave off some more time this time. We need to rejoice in the little victories. (I learned that as a long time Pittsburgh Pirate fan.)
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
What's So All-fired Important?
I started out to write something concerning our over-dependence on social media to keep in touch with each other, including a tirade about it seems how if you don't have a cell phone with all the latest bells and whistles, you are somehow seen as not with it. Well, I continued to think about this and came to the realization that maybe we partake of these things because we are afraid to be alone with ourselves. Maybe inactivity is seen as sloth, but, really, we all need some time alone with our thoughts and feelings so we can acknowledge them and deal with them. I see people driving, exercising, doing yard work, and any other of a myriad of activities, and they are plugged into some kind of electronic companion. Maybe, just maybe, it's time to rebel and put these things down intentionally for a set amount of time each day. Maybe we need to just sit and take in the world around us with no distractions, to listen instead of talk, talk, talking. How can we be so dependent on something that didn't even exist before fifteen years ago? Is the world, and our words, so important that we speak before we think, say things which we'd never want to be said to us, and feel the constant need to try to make connections with everyone we can in the shortest amount of time possible? Have we become that lonely?
Just a bit of ranting....hope you'll understand.
Just a bit of ranting....hope you'll understand.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Clean-up in Aisle 7
There are so many times we cling to things we've accumulated over the years in hopes they may become useful at some point. Boxes, matchbooks, clothes, books, etc. The list goes on. But have you ever considered ideas and beliefs to be in the same category as the materialistic stuff? Really, if you look at what you have gathered over the years, are there not some questionable items there? From time to time, we need to examine and reevaluate what we say we believe, as well as the concepts that we once held dear. Knowledge and wisdom come and go, and the Truth remains. I've always felt growth comes through learning, and learning is stimulated by questioning. If we stop asking, then the knowledge we acquire will become random instead of focused when we have a purpose for learning. There is nothing wrong with collecting random items, but if we inquire about ideas, then the new information will fit nicely into what we desire to know. Also, there is the serendipitous stuff that comes along, surprising us and enhancing what we already know, and even replacing faulty thinking. Question everything from time to time, and the Real Truth will prevail.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Ah, Wilderness!!!!!
The wilderness! What is it about the wilderness that excites us and frightens us so? Why do we rush headlong into it when it is our own choosing, and virtually crawl with trepidation when we find ourselves forced into it? Excitement comes when we crave a state of wilder-ness. We seek the adventure, and yearn to learn lessons of survival, finding ourselves tested to beyond what we thought our limitations were, only to serendipitously find deep reserves of strength and resources, planted there by our Creator. We marvel at our adaptability, proving how we sometimes sell God, and ourselves, short in how He will provide for us, if only we allow Him control.
And what of the other, the fear and anxiety inducing, overgrown, overwhelming wild, pummeling us with challenges, and presenting seemingly insurmountable odds that it will prevail? How to handle that? For fear of sounding pat and trite, if you find hidden resources in the wilderness times of your own choosing, why doubt God will give the same to you during these times?
We may not be always able to select which wilderness we enter, but we can choose Who we will trust, and Who we will call on, and cry out to, to be our strength. As Steven Curtis Chapman once sang, "Saddle up your horses - we've got a trail to blaze......This is a life like no other, this is the Great Adventure."
Embrace the wilder-ness of life, and hang on for the ride.
And what of the other, the fear and anxiety inducing, overgrown, overwhelming wild, pummeling us with challenges, and presenting seemingly insurmountable odds that it will prevail? How to handle that? For fear of sounding pat and trite, if you find hidden resources in the wilderness times of your own choosing, why doubt God will give the same to you during these times?
We may not be always able to select which wilderness we enter, but we can choose Who we will trust, and Who we will call on, and cry out to, to be our strength. As Steven Curtis Chapman once sang, "Saddle up your horses - we've got a trail to blaze......This is a life like no other, this is the Great Adventure."
Embrace the wilder-ness of life, and hang on for the ride.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Who is Your Nineveh?
I've been looking at the story of Jonah lately, and getting past the fish thing, I began to think about this city that he didn't want to help. A bit of background. God called Jonah to go to Nineveh to deliver a message of judgment, and Jonah immediately ran in the opposite direction. His reasoning? He couldn't stand the city or people of Nineveh. And to make matters, worse, he knew that if he gave those people the message, God would show them mercy and grace, just like He'd done for His chosen people, Israel, time and again. But Jonah didn't want that, so he refused to take the message to Nineveh. The reason...... he didn't think they were worth God's compassion, or Jonah's time. So, Jonah put his prejudices before God's will. How many times have we done the same? Think..... about what group or individuals do you have that same attitude? Are there those who you think are completely out of consideration for love and acceptance, especially in your eyes? It could be anyone you don't see eye-to-eye with, making them "wrong" or "the wrong people", undeserving of love. But, Jesus says, "Love your enemies, and pray for your persecutors." Aren't we to follow those, or are they just some nice suggestions? Jesus also states, as the greatest and second greatest commandments, "Love your God with everything you are and have, and also, love your neighbors as you love yourself."
So, I find myself looking at my own attitudes and practices, and trying to identify my own Nineveh. I shudder to think what would happen if I was on God's list of the unworthy of grace. God help me to love God, love others and serve the world.
So, I find myself looking at my own attitudes and practices, and trying to identify my own Nineveh. I shudder to think what would happen if I was on God's list of the unworthy of grace. God help me to love God, love others and serve the world.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Almost Missed the Boat
There are many times when we find ourselves in situations where we can sense something is happening, but we can't put our finger on it. We either don't have enough information or we haven't been paying attention. So, how can we avoid those times? We need to keep our eyes open, our minds alert, and our senses ready. Realize that burning in your heart means something, and if we seek out that which causes it, out vision will be brought to crystal clarity at the proper time. Don't dismiss those feelings of anticipation. Specific chances only come once, but can be replaced by other, similar opportunities. Stay awake, for these things can come anytime, in broad daylight, or like a thief in the night.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Rejoice in the Beautiful Game
A while ago, I posted the phrase "Let's rejoice in the beautiful game" on facebook, likening it to an attitude to have about life. Well, I received some nice responses, but one in particular stuck with me. This person said life is NOT a game, and we shouldn't be playing at, since life is serious. Well, that's been ruminating in my head for some time, and I think I've come up with something. You see, life is a game, depending on how you look at it. Games have rules, and the game goes better when they are followed. Such is life. Games have a goal, which is nice to achieve, but the true thrill and joy comes in perfecting your skills and pursuing that goal, not as an end in itself, but as motivation for the effort. Such is life. Games usually take a great deal of cooperation, support and encouragement from team mates, coaches, and fans. Without this, they can go on unimproved and sort of stagnate after a bit. Such is life. Play the game with wild abandon, risking your heart, and see what happens. to quote Kna'an: "When I get older, I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom.............Let's rejoice in the beautiful game, and together at the end of the day, we'll all sing..........."
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Bold Balance
Is a kinder, gentler faith and presentation of the Gospel really beneficial? When we take the Lion out of the story and play up the Lamb, do we do a disservice to believers and unbelievers alike? We need to strike a firm, bold balance, including not only the promise of redemption, but also words of warning and caution about what awaits those who don't acknowledge His Kingship. We should be careful to not only inform, but work to also transform. This comes by using strong terms lovingly, standing our Spiritual ground. "The call of the Cross, therefore, is to enter into the passion of Christ. We must have upon us the print of the nails." - Gordon Watt
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Give us...........!!
If given the opportunity, which Barabbas would I choose over Jesus? Which temptation would I follow, and which selfish desire or self-righteous way of thinking? Which perceived danger to my way of life? Which threat to my status quo? This man, this Messiah promised to turn all my comfort on its head the way He cleared the money changers from the temple. He says families will divide, friendships end, and congregations split, all because of Who He is and what He speaks.
Truth be told, we'd prefer the evil with which we are familiar to the unknown blessings that come when and if we trust and obey Jesus. Why are we so reluctant? Do we look at the history of His church and followers and fear death? Death only brings us home to be with Him eternally.
Don't we realize we are all slowly dying anyway, and the darkness of this world works hard to cover that fact as we strive to remain young, working to postpone our inevitable mortality?
Why not put effort into living in and for our Creator, and put more joy into our lives and this world, instead of trying to elevate ourselves by diminishing the status of others? Our strongest efforts should be in living as servants to our fellow travelers in this life.
To be more like Christ and less like us should be our goal. Let Him be seen when people look into our eyes.
Truth be told, we'd prefer the evil with which we are familiar to the unknown blessings that come when and if we trust and obey Jesus. Why are we so reluctant? Do we look at the history of His church and followers and fear death? Death only brings us home to be with Him eternally.
Don't we realize we are all slowly dying anyway, and the darkness of this world works hard to cover that fact as we strive to remain young, working to postpone our inevitable mortality?
Why not put effort into living in and for our Creator, and put more joy into our lives and this world, instead of trying to elevate ourselves by diminishing the status of others? Our strongest efforts should be in living as servants to our fellow travelers in this life.
To be more like Christ and less like us should be our goal. Let Him be seen when people look into our eyes.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Ah..... the Question......
"If you were to die tonight, do you know for sure you would go to Heaven?" Is this not a question we should be asking ourselves and each other on a regular basis? And the answer should be based in Scripture, the God-breathed promises found in our Holy Bible. So, how do you give proof of your assurance that God has saved you and you will be delivered safely into His Presence after you leave this world? John 3:16-17 is a good beginning, but you should have overwhelming evidence that this promise is true. So, what do you tell those who ask?
Thursday, March 29, 2012
A Must to Avoid
We must be careful when we become political in our statements, since that brings with it a whole different set of ideological baggage, especially when combined with our Christianity. Much can be misconstrued and mistated. So, care must be taken.
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