Sunday, June 3, 2012

Rain as a Way of Thinking

Rainy days have to come, it's just a fact of nature. If it weren't for them, how could we fully appreciate the sunny ones? And, really, think about it. What's as refreshing as a gentle, steady, warm summer rain, especially when you can go out into it, getting drenched to the bone, and feeling the cleansing power of the Creator in every drop that falls?
Rainy days help keep things green, replenish ground water, remind us of times in our lives when other rains have fallen. When we have found ourselves in the dry times of trouble and doubt, it has been the rain of Truth that alleviates them, quenching the questions, and pouring down a soothing understanding.
Rain envelops the world in a cocoon of potential, covering and causing the metamorphic, as it serves to prepare us and the world for the Light that follows. Rain has form but has no shape, iridescence but has no color, life-giving qualities while not being alive. It is truly one of God's greatest wonders.

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