Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Once in a Lifetime.......

There was a black spot on the sun yesterday - once in a lifetime. Man walked on the moon - once in a lifetime. America was discovered - once in a lifetime. The human genome was mapped - once in a lifetime. The Queen celebrated her diamond jubilee - once in a life time. These are all significant events to many, many people, but to view them as life-changing for anyone more than those intimately involved is stretching the point. We are live lives consisting of once-in-a-lifetime moments. Every breath, every thought, every attitude, every action has bearing on the rest of our existence here, so all moments hold the potential to be monumental. All we need do is live them as such. Our perspective should change from, "Man, I gotta get through another day" to "Man, I get to live through another day!" If we look at what we've been blessed with, then we can appreciate what comes our way, no matter if it what we want or not. Everything that you get, and everything that happens to you helps to make you who you are. God is building us one brick at a time, so we really have to be patient and wait to see what the outcome of our latest adventures will be. We live one moment at a time. We learn, hopefully, one moment at a time. Therefore, look forward to each second your alive, anticipate what might be, and don't be surprised by the serendipitous nature of life. Rejoice in the unexpected, and embrace the diversity of your experiences.

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