Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What's So All-fired Important?

I started out to write something concerning our over-dependence on social media to keep in touch with each other, including a tirade about it seems how if you don't have a cell phone with all the latest bells and whistles, you are somehow seen as not with it. Well, I continued to think about this and came to the realization that maybe we partake of these things because we are afraid to be alone with ourselves. Maybe inactivity is seen as sloth, but, really, we all need some time alone with our thoughts and feelings so we can acknowledge them and deal with them. I see people driving, exercising, doing yard work, and any other of a myriad of activities, and they are plugged into some kind of electronic companion. Maybe, just maybe, it's time to rebel and put these things down intentionally for a set amount of time each day. Maybe we need to just sit and take in the world around us with no distractions, to listen instead of talk, talk, talking. How can we be so dependent on something that didn't even exist before fifteen years ago? Is the world, and our words, so important that we speak before we think, say things which we'd never want to be said to us, and feel the constant need to try to make connections with everyone we can in the shortest amount of time possible? Have we become that lonely?
Just a bit of ranting....hope you'll understand.

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