Monday, March 31, 2014

At What Price?

Every week we receive notices of new books, new music, new movies, and the like being unleashed on the general public (as well as those intended for niche markets, of which fewer are aware.) This steady outpouring begs a question: Is all creativity, or what we call creativity, a good thing? What are the parameters of acceptability when it comes to this? Have we nurtured a culture of acceptance of quirky being genius, mediocrity disguised as ability? Then, do we rely on the mass marketing machine to inform us what is good, and what should fall by the wayside (although it seems little does)? What has brought this about? Have we become so desperate to fill any perceived emptiness with the trite and unpolished? All I ask is a little discernment when it comes to this stuff.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Truth Be Told

I may have touched on this topic before, but I have been thinking about it for the past couple of days.

How true to life are the stories we tell about ourselves? Do we add minor details in order to "punch them up" and make these stories more interesting? Do we embellish them, honing the vocabulary each time we tell them, working on them to turn them into a polished routine? If we were to return to the original events, would they pale by comparison?
Or do we go in the opposite direction, playing things down, reducing and simplifying to the point of dismissal? Seems to be a fine line somewhere as to how much or how little we should tell.
Our story is our story, and, truth be told, it can have an impact on others. Like so many tales, the effect is in the content, surely, but what really "sells" it is the delivery. Tell your tale, and be true to yourself. Sincerity of heart trumps acting any day of the week.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Random - Part One

- If your only food is anger,
and your only drink is pain
An you're not allowed to sohw it,
how can we expect a change?

- NE Ohio in the dead of winter with snow and cold and more snow, yet people complain about the weather, even though it's NE Ohio in the dead of winter.......

- We follow those who make grand pronouncements, yet have little or no substance.

- The ability to take something small and blow it up into a weapon that can be used to browbeat others does not show cleverness, but a wounded, mean spirit.

- Our time here is so short and fleeting, why do we insist on filling it with petty jealousy and a lust for vengeance that is neither deserved by us or ours

- Just how widespread is our DNA trail? Think about it..... if our skin cells carry our DNA, and we lose skin cells whenever we brush up against something, what does that say about leaving our mark?

- We really think we're something, don't we?