Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Life is Unpredictable

Life is unpredictable. That is such an understatement, yet we are surprised when it plays out in front of us. Try as we might, there is little or nothing we can do to control what comes our way.
Granted, some of our efforts do seem to bring about the desired results, but who is to say they wouldn't have transpired regardless?
Every day, certainties are removed from our lives, so we scramble to replace them with new ones, in hopes they will last. We yearn for that stability, grasping at our human-made ideas, only to have them trumped on a regular basis. Now, before you accuse me of being defeatist or nihilistic, let me point to the authors of Lamentations and Ecclesiastes. Though these seem to be downers, I tend to look at them as the works of people who have come to realize the futility of depending on humanity, but, instead, recognize the constancy and stability of God in our lives. God, who was, and is, and is to be.
"There is nothing new under the sun" and "Vanity, vanity, all is vanity" speak to the human condition and the repackaging to old, broken ways as new, fresh, and innovative thinking. Talk about old in new wine skins (which can be as disastrous as new wine in old wine skins).
We fall on hard times due to our ignoring and/or rebelling against God's Word. Even the darkness in our midst recognizes its power and potency, so much so that there is great energy exerted in trying to discredit it. But the Truth remains, no matter the attack. As someone once said, "Truth is truth. No can't have opinions about truth."

Friday, November 1, 2013

Sixty Plus

So, my sixtieth birthday came and passed without much hoopla or fanfare, resembling a rather ordinary day. And the subsequent days have fared equally. They have been a series of mundane, ordinary things, with the occasional tetanus shot and shingles vaccination thrown into the mix. But, overall the beginning of my sixty-first year has been quite uneventful. Perhaps that is what retirement can settle into if one does not go out and seek adventure. A stubborn cold had taken up residence, but I've seemed to have shaken all but a minor cough.
So, as I look ahead to the coming year, I will strive to keep life interesting, not as fast-paced as it once was, but a such a speed as to keep me on my toes, or even on the edge of my seat. (And, oh yeah, the heart thing will keep me alert, too.)