Thursday, July 17, 2014

I'm Not Burying My Head in the Sand

I've listened and I've tried to learn to think for myself. The facts presented are but mere shadows of the truth, hung out on a line of logic that serves whatever hidden agenda is possessed by the speaker or the source. It boggles the mind and makes my head hurt trying to sort it all out, but that sorting is necessary in order to get a more accurate picture. My opinions come few and far between sometimes because I simply don't take the time and effort to formulate them. There are too many topics to worry about, and too many voices competing for my energy, and by expressing how one feels about each has a tendency to limit flexibility, especially if your opinion changes in any way down the line. "But, you said..." are powerful words that can be used to build a prison which can hard to escape. Really, there are only a few key concepts with which we need to concern ourselves.

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