Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Reflections Further On

We are humans are such planners. We try to get our ducks in a row, to work out as many of the details that we can, to proceed in a way that will turn out to our fullest advantage. Then, suddenly, we die.

Then, on May 27, 2013, I technically died. My heart stopped.

This was not according to plan. But that one event made me realize just how silly our plans are to God. That day was filled with God’s hand in my life, centering on the heart.

How could I have planned having numerous people around me to have cell phones to make the 911 calls for an ambulance? How could I have planned to have someone skilled in CPR be there immediately? How could I have arranged for that person to be a cardiologist in town for the weekend? How could I have set it up that I knew the officer in the lead car for the 5K I was in, or to know one of the EMTs in the ambulance, and to know one of the emergency nurses? Where in my plan was, when shocked back to life, that I would sit up and laugh?

I had started that day to complete a 5K race, and ended up filled with love, concern, and care surrounded by and lifted by the prayers of my family, friends and community (and beyond so it seems).

And who orchestrated all of this? Who was behind, through, and ahead of all these things? My Creator, my Savior, my God. I cannot speak for others who have not been as fortunate, but as for me, a heart beats within my chest, and that’s good enough for me. It is a moment by moment, breath by breath blessing from my Abba, Father.

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