Monday, April 22, 2013

Grace and Fear

Grace, grace, grace... the word is used, abused, and misused repeatedly, depending on the intent and agenda of the user. We can pour out grace and mercy on others, the unearned kind, yet we struggle to accept it for ourselves in similar circumstances. Grace has been called costly, cheap, and even free. So why do we have such trouble with it?
A recent reminder I received pointed out that our God of grace is also a vengeful God who is to be feared. This is true, but should that fear be based on the retribution He may hand out, or should it be a fear of how incredibly loving and powerful God is, so powerful and loving that we will never fully understand even the smallest fraction of that love and power, thus leading to a fear of our own ignorance? Yes, we may live in fear of the unfathomable grace of God, so deep that one may be afraid of falling in and sinking to quickly and too deep. This fear may subside as we float down into the comfort of God's love, yet may reoccur as we again realize the true depth of God and His love and grace for us.
Now is the time to embrace the fear of what we don't understand about God, and to use it to compel ourselves to work towards a deeper, stronger relationship with Him, always moving towards Him,always in reverent awe. Thus, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

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