Thursday, December 27, 2012

Go, Study.........

You can study and study and study, but it is all for naught if the information gathered doesn’t transfer into practical applications in your life. Head knowledge becomes heart action through the diligent effort to fulfill the great commandments and mission we’ve received. First, love God. Take Him into your life, mind, and heart and display His love by loving Him back with all your being. Secondly, love people. We are all His creation and are in dire need of His love, mercy, and grace. Give it to those around you in the same measure as was given to you. Finally, serve the world. Be God’s hands and feet in your environment. Show through actions, both small and large, that you care and will do for widows and orphans, for the well-to-do, for any of your fellow travelers on this planet as God wills it. God is best known by the efforts of and representation by His children. So go, study love, and spread it far and wide. Go, study compassion, and make it a goal to show it to all those with whom you come in contact, even if you think they don’t deserve it. Go, study peace, and work to bring it about not just in this season, but year ‘round.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


The following is a response to some of the emails I receive. In this weary, weary world we need more light, we need more love, and we need more people to follow the example of the One they say they follow......

          Lord, I pray that my words be of healing not hurting, my actions be of building not destroying, and that my attitude be of accepting not condemning. There are already too many negative people in this world, those ready to point out any small, insignificant faults of others. There are already too many bent on dimming any light and sucking the joy out of any situation. Lord, I ask that you enable me to be loving and supportive, peaceful and soothing, open and ready to show the mercy to others that You have shown me, and to extend the grace I have received from you. Amen.

Friday, December 14, 2012


All too many of us have attended church for so long that we've developed a sort of me-ligion. By that I mean we've listened, studied, weighed, adopted, and rejected a variety of beliefs that seem the most convenient and conducive to want we want to live by, sort of like children skipping through a grocery store. picking out what is pleasant and to our taste, and ignoring things we haven't tried yet, but are nutritious and beneficial. We feed on the same things repeatedly that act as comfort food for the soul, but stymy our desire to growth in strength instead of girth. A long, hard look must be taken at what is ingested, and evaluation must take place as to each one's worth to our spiritual health. Even though some good things come from them still, their effects may be reduced as we become comfortable, accustomed, and then complacent. The ideal would be to find the three or four basic Truths (as there are food groups), then build and expand on those, partaking of a wider variety from within them, in order to develop a deeper, fuller understanding  of and relationship with our Creator and our Savior. This will take effort, at times may be painful, but, as fruit trees are prepared to bear a greater harvest, pruning is for the good of those subjected to it. Pray for guidance. Search for clarity of vision. Commit to growth.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Life is Messy..........

Life is messy, and I realize that some people have messier lives, and that we all have plenty to deal with, but somehow I feel I've allowed myself to be swept under a wave of circumstances, not because of anything I've done, but maybe due to my inactivity or reluctance to act. But, if life has become messy and has brought about some sort of low grade depression, it is probably from an accumulation of comings and goings, staying, missing loved ones, too much stuff crammed into too little time, and just a general feeling of being out of control. But, I find comfort in the words of Mike Slaughter, in his book, Christmas is Not Your Birthday. "Life gets messy, but in the midst of your mess, God shows up! No matter what you are struggling to overcome, no matter what life issues have come your way, God promises to show up.Christmas is God's vivid reminder that amid the uncertainty, God shows up to bring you peace, purpose, joy, hope, and wholeness." I don't know about you, but I look forward to His appearing.